Installation Instructions
Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 5: Installation Instructions Page 83
Battery monitor
Automatic battery voltage monitoring. The generator is started automatically via the remote con-
trol panel to start charging when the battery voltage drops below a minimum set level. When the
battery voltage exceeds a maximum set level the battery-charging generator is stopped after an
interval period which is adjustable
Description / Function:
Minimum battery voltage level, maximum battery voltage level (when charging is completed) and
interval period before stopping the generator can be adjusted via potentiometers.
An LED indicates when the minimum battery voltage level is sensed. A period of 40 seconds
must be present after reaching the minimum level so that the generator can be started correctly.
The battery monitor is supplied from the batteries it monitors.
The outputs are galvanically separated by an optocoupler.
The output signal is poled and must be CORRECTLY connected (connection 7 – positive / con-
nection 8 – negative).
Incorrect poling of the output connections can destroy or damage the battery monitor and other
electrically connected units.
• The value set for the maximum voltage level (end of charging) can be measured at connection
3 and connection 2 (negative).
• The value set for the minimum voltage level (begin charging) can be measured at connection
4 and connection 2 (negative).
• The switching voltage levels are measured per cell. The absolute switching voltage levels can
be calculated by multiplying the measured voltage by the number of cells.
• Failure to use a multimeter with an impedance of 10 ohms or more for measuring these values
will cause significant measurement errors
Rotation direction for trimming: Adjustment in clockwise direction = increases value.
• Using a instrument screwdriver, a switch is accessible through a hole underneath connection
1. For test purposes, this switch can be used to switch between states. This can only be carried
out when the battery voltage is between the minimum and maximum levels. The battery monitor
is not affected by use of this switch when the voltage level is outside the minimum or maximum
• The connection cable used to connect the battery monitor to the control panel must be either
screened or contain twisted wires.
Positive pole (+) of battery
not used
Negative pole (-) of battery
not used
Measurement connection switch-
off voltage
positive output sensor
Measurement connection switch-
on voltage
negative output sensor