Advanced Trip Diagnosis
The Phoenix scanner provides trip diagnosis for several advanced parameters including: Power Spec-
trum Density, Average Amplitude, Best Fit, Single Source, Internal Fault, or a combination of these.
Whenever the scanner trips in response to a flame out condition, the reason for the trip is stored in a Trip
Register. A total of eight (8) trip events are stored in the Trip Register with the oldest stored in the bottom
position LED (1) and the newest in the top position LED (8).
NOTE: Once filled, the Trip Register MUST be reset in order to store subsequent trips. It will
NOT automatically reset or roll-over.
Step 1 - Enter the pass code
Press both the
Target Flame Select
Background Flame Select
buttons simultaneously.
Use the
buttons to select LED number
Press both the
Target Flame Select
Background Flame Select
buttons simultaneously.
Step 2 - Selecting the Trip Event in the Trip Register
The contents of the Trip Register show the reason for a scanner trip and will be displayed using the
LEDs. To select a specific trip event in the Trip Register, use the
button to scroll to the top of the Trip
Register and the
button to scroll to the bottom of the Trip Register. Neither button will roll over.
The oldest trip event is stored in the bottom LED position (LED = 1) and the newest trip event is stored
in the topmost LED position (2 through 8 depending on how many events are logged).
Only eight (8)
trip events can be stored. They will not automatically reset or roll-over.