Rev. 001
The machine is equipped with the following safety systems:
Power outlet
: the same outlet used for the battery charger. In case of emergency, the machine must
be unplugged pulling on the handle. Before using the machine, the operator should become familiar
with its safety devices, to be able to automatically actuate them in an emergency. The safety devices
should never be reset before having corrected the cause of an observed problem; contact a skilled
technician if necessary.
Insufficient battery charge:
the combined machine electronic control board is provided with a
safety system which deactivates all machine functions, with the exclusion of machine drive,
whenever battery charge goes below 20%, in order to prolong your battery life.
Emergency seat switch:
The machine is equipped with a presence-sensing device: without an
operator on board, it will not start, and if the driver leaves the machine without having first turned off
the key switch, the machine will stop. To turn it back on, climb into the driver's seat, turn the key
switch to its OFF position, wait a few seconds then return the key switch to its ON position.
Parking brake:
the machine is equipped with a brake lever located at the bottom left of the
operator's seat. To engage it, pull the lever towards yourself; to deactivate it, push it down to the end
of its stroke.
Safety rod:
the machine is equipped with a red safety rod located below the waste box, which
should be operated whenever maintenance must be carried out under the box.
Always remember to lock the front wheels with the parking brake before getting off the
machine even when it is still on.