Scroll through to find the following file: Business0043
Click Open.
Click the arrow for the dropdown box below the Browse button.
Options for applying the image to the label include Center, Fit, Fit Maximal or Fit
Select Fit. This will fit the image to your label, as shown below:
Applying image to fit label
To edit the background image you just inserted, right-click on Version1 and select
Properties. In the Face and Face Versions Properties dialog box, you can rename the label
or version, choose a different image or change how it is fit to the label.
Next, to continue with our label design, we will add two additional images to our
CD/DVD label. To do this, follow the steps below:
Image 1
Select Insert>Picture>From Image Library.
Double-click the Business folder.
Scroll down to find the following image:
Click Insert.
The cursor will change to the Insert Picture Tool.
Position your cursor on the left side of the label.
Left click and hold the mouse button down. Then move the mouse diagonally and
you will notice a box being drawn with the image inside.
Image 2
Select Insert>Picture>From Image Library.
Double-click the Business folder.