updated with new releases and Service Packs. These can be obtained at
To access a CD burner application, select Tools>Burners and choose from the dropdown
menu of installed burners. To access a media player application, select Tools>Players and
choose from the dropdown menu of installed players.
Label Mapping
MediaFACE® 4.01 provides a special feature to support MediaFACE II projects that
may not be recognized by the new version. An internal converter is used to find the
appropriate mapping for all the labels used in the project. If possible, the converter maps
the MediaFACE II labels to MediaFACE® 4.01 labels and transfers all the objects and
shapes from the original project into a new MediaFACE® 4.01 project. The new project
is then opened in the MediaFACE® 4.01 application. If corresponding labels are not
found for the MediaFACE II project, the converter displays the Label Mapping dialog
box. This dialog box allows the user to manually select the MediaFACE® 4.01 labels to
use for mapping.
Manual label mapping:
Select Tools>Edit MF2 to MF4 labels mapping from the menu. The Label
Mapping dialog box opens as shown below:
Figure 6.47 – Label Mapping dialog box
The Label Mapping dialog box contains two main sections. The top half of the
dialog box displays a list and corresponding preview of MediaFACE II labels.
The bottom half of the dialog box contains a list and corresponding preview of
MediaFACE® 4.01 labels.