February 2017
Tank Setup
TEST (5)
The output test allows you to check the flow control and flow meter are working correctly.
When activated, the flow control valve will fully OPEN or CLOSE to open, open all sections and allow
feedback from the flow meter.
The test feature also helps to identify if you need to REVERSE the flow control as described on
Page 53
Select the RED Tank 1 button to enable it. (It will turn GREEN)
WARNING: This will turn on the tank output immediately.
Adjust the Output % to give output. – Suggest upping the value +/-10% at a time. You should notice
liquid flowing through to the nozzles. At +100% the flow control valve will be fully open and liquid
should be present at each nozzle. At -100% the flow control valve should be fully closed and liquid
should be returning to tank if a dump valve is in place)
Ensure that the Sensor reading is display a value in L/s or RPM – This ensures you are getting a
reading from your flow meter.
Select the red Tank 1 button to disable it.
Select the red CROSS button to exit the test screen.