- 10 -
Mi 2578
001 and 200) it is necessary:
enter code 001;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Room number (code 005)
This is the room address of the device and
is used to identify it within the flat (factory
setting 000 - MASTER, permitted addresses
between 000 and 004).
Enter code 005;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new room number;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming the room numbers of the
additional user addresses (codes 006-
With regard to the 4 additional addresses, the
intercom can act as MASTER or as a second-
ary device (room 001-004) to answer calls
correctly. The storage procedure is shown
below for the room number related to the first
of the four additional addresses (code 006).
Using codes 007, 008 and 009, it is possible to
enter the room numbers for the second, third
and fourth additional addresses respectively.
Room number relative to the first addi
tional address (code 006).
To program the room number for the first
additional address (by default empty; per
mitted addresses between 000 and 004), it
is necessary:
enter code 006;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming of addresses activated
by pressing button 1 (codes 010 and
Button 1 on the intercom provides the possi-
bility of activating two different services (each
identified by the relative address) according
to the time for which the button is pressed. In
particular, a distinction is made between
pressure (<1 sec.) and long pressure (> 3 sec.)
The permitted values for the services that can
be activated are:
- addresses 001-200: call to another user
- addresses 201-210: call to concierge unit;
- addresses 211-220: actuator activation
- addresses 231-253: activation of the speech
channel, without having been called, of the
door unit;
- address 255: deletion of previously entered
Programming the address associated
with short pressure of button 1 (code 010).
To program the address associated with short
pressure on button 1 (factory setting 211), it is
enter code 010;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 if you want
to restore the empty memory cell;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming the address associated
with long pressure of button 1 (code 012).
To program the address associated with long
pressure on button 1 (by default empty), it is
enter code 012;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming room numbers related
to the addresses activated by pressing
button 1 (codes 011 and 013).
If the short or long pressure, or both, are as-
signed the same address with which the inter-
com is called from outside, the service that is ac-
tivated is the intercom call within the same flat.
In order to correctly address this call, the room
number associated to the short/long pressure
of button 1 must be programmed with the
room number corresponding to the intercom/
videointercom to be called. Allowed values are:
- address 000-006: room numbers;
- address 255: delete previously entered value.
Programming the room number related
to the address associated with short
pressure of button 1 (code 011).
To program the room number related to the
address associated with short pressure on
button 1 (by default empty), it is necessary:
enter code 011;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming the room number related
to the address associated with long pres-
sure of button 1 (code 013).
To program the room number related to the
address associated with long pressure on
button 1 (by default empty), it is necessary:
enter code 013;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming of addresses activated
by pressing button 2 (codes 014 and
Button 2 on the intercom provides the possi
bility of activating two different services (each
identified by the relative address) according
to the time for which the button is pressed. In
particular, a distinction is made between
pressure (<1 sec.) and long pressure (> 3 sec.)
The permitted values for the services that can
be activated are:
- addresses 001-200: call to another user
- addresses 201-210: call to concierge unit;
- addresses 211-220: actuator activation
- addresses 231-253: activation of the speech
channel, without having been called, of the
door unit;
- address 255: deletion of previously entered
Programming the address associated
with short pressure of button 2 (code 014).
To program the address associated with short
pressure on button 2 (by default empty), it is
enter code 014;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming the address associated
with long pressure of button 2 (code 016).
To program the address associated with long
pressure on button 2 (by default empty), it is
enter code 016;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming room numbers related
to the addresses activated by pressing
button 2 (codes 015 and 017).
If the short or long pressure, or both, are as-
signed the same address with which the inter-
com is called from outside, the service that is ac-
tivated is the intercom call within the same flat.
In order to correctly address this call, the room
number associated to the short/long pressure
of button 2 must be programmed with the
room number corresponding to the intercom/
videointercom to be called. Allowed values are:
- address 000-006: room numbers;
- address 255: delete previously entered value.
Programming the room number related
to the address associated with short
pressure of button 2 (code 015).
To program the room number related to the
address associated with short pressure on
button 2 (by default empty), it is necessary:
enter code 015;
press button
to confirm;
enter the new address; enter 255 to erase a
value previously entered;
press button
to confirm;
continue with the next programming or exit
Programming the room number related
to the address associated with long pres-
sure of button 2 (code 017).
To program the room number related to the
address associated with long pressure on
button 2 (by default empty), it is necessary:
enter code 017;
press button
to confirm;