Manual FältCom ECII SE Eng
Page 29 of 36
8 Alarm
Note that the lift phone should be connected to an alarm centre. EN 81:1–2 stipulates
connection to a twenty-four-hour manned telephone. By way of exception, it is possible to use
an ordinary telephone or a mobile phone as alarm receiver. The instructions below refer to
alarm receiving with an ordinary telephone. In an alarm centre, the line is usually connected
to a computer, which automatically registers the alarm source, on the basis of the codes
transmitted by the lift phone.
All tone selection telephones (units with the keys * and #) can function as simple alarm
receivers. The telephone keypad is then used to control the alarm receiving and acknowledge
the alarm.
Note that telephones used for alarm receiving should be marked in a way that makes
everyone aware of the possibility of alarm calls. In addition, special functions for
specific telephone keys should be clearly marked.
You cannot be sure that a manual will be readily available in case of an alarm. The most
important key to learn is 4, used to acknowledge the alarm and set up the call.
8.1 Alarm
An incoming alarm call is characterized by an oscillating tone (”chirp”) heard in the receiver.
First tone is heard after 3 seconds and next every 3:rd second. It is important that everybody
is aware of this. Therefore, note that all alarm receivers should practice the alarm handling
procedure. If the alarm receiver has not answered within 60 seconds the FältCom ECII SE will
automatically switch to the next alarm number. The lift phone waits 60 seconds before next
alarm number is dialed.
8.1.1 Acknowledging an alarm
Acknowledge the alarm with
. A voice communication call is then set up;
speech exchange is automatic, as in a normal telephone call.