Series Soft Start User Manual
MAN-AGY-001. Version 04. 21/09/2018
Overload Trip
The unit has an "Overload" function that is an electronic equivalent to a
thermal overload.
Trip On: The unit will trip when the "Overload" capacity (Modbus PNU 27)
exceeds 100%
Trip Off: The unit will continue to operate regardless of motor current
Ovld Amps
Determines the level in Amps at which the overload will start.
Normally set to 115% of the set "Motor Amps"
Reduce to speed up trip response
Sets the serial communications parity bit
The available parity options are None Even Odd
Also, sets the stop bits. No parity uses 2 stop bits. Odd or even parity uses
1 stop bit
Patch Addr 1
through 16
Used to arrange the Modbus Parameters into Groups
Refer to MAN-AGY-002-V01 for more details
Ph / SCR
Detects for various issues when "Starting" or " Stopping"
Detects for input phase loss / Output phase loss / SCR misfire
Trip On: Trips if there is an input phase loss / motor side phase loss / SCR
Trip Off: The unit will attempt to run although the operation may be
Operating in this mode for prolonged periods may result in SCR failure
Phase Loss
Detects for various issues when the start signal is applied
Detects for input phase loss / input phase relationship
Trip On: Trips if there is an input phase loss / supply out of balance
Trip Off: The unit will attempt to run although the operation may be
Operating in this mode for prolonged periods may result in SCR failure
Rated Amps
Unit Class20 / Class30 Current Rating
Allows the n/c relay (21 -22) to be reconfigured
Available options are 22 = TOR or 22 = ERR
Function Descriptions (continued)