Series Soft Start User Manual
MAN-AGY-001. Version 04. 21/09/2018
I rms
The RMS motor current
Indicates average current of the 3 phases.
I Start
Displays the peak current during the last start.
I Stop
Displays the peak current during the last stop.
I1 rms
The RMS current on phase L1
I2 rms
The RMS current on phase L2
I3 rms
The RMS current on phase L3
Initial Volts
Percentage of the supply voltage applied to motor at the beginning of the
soft start.
Increase to provide more torque If the load fails to break away.
Decrease if the motor accelerates too quickly.
Kick Level
Percentage of the supply voltage applied to the motor during the ‘kick'
Increase to provide more torque If the load fails to break away.
Decrease if the motor accelerates too quickly.
Kick Start
Applies a short duration torque pulse to dislodge 'sticky' loads
On: The torque pulse is applied at start-up when complete the torque
drops to the "Initial Volts"
Off: The initial starting torque is defined by the "Initial Volts"
Kick Time
Time that the torque pulse is applied to load
Increase to provide more torque If the load fails to break away.
Decrease if the motor accelerates too quickly.
Last Trip
Limit Amps
The current in Amps at which the soft Start ramp is held.
Normally set to 350% of motor FLC.
Increase if motor fails to accelerate at required rate
The "Limit Amps" will affect actual time to start.
If set too low the motor may not accelerate to full speed.
Limit Time
The maximum time allowed for the current limit.
If the current limit is still active at the end of this period, the unit will
either 'Trip' or 'continue'
Menu Version
Function Descriptions (continued)