Chapter 2 - page 19
MCO-TCO work mode
The CNC displays the following information:
1.- Actual spindle speed in rpm.
2.- Theoretical spindle speed in rpm.
To select any other speed press
The CNC assumes this value and updates the actual speed of the spindle.
3.- Status of the spindle:
turning clockwise,
turning counterclockwise or
To modify the state of the spindle press:
4.- % of the theoretical turning speed of the spindle that is being applied.
To modify this percentage (%) press:
5.- Maximum spindle speed in rpm.
To select any other speed press
twice. The CNC will frame the present value.
Enter the new value and press
. The CNC assumes said value and will not let the spindle
exceed this number of revolutions.
6.- Spindle range currently selected.
When having an automatic gear changer, this value cannot be modified.
When not having an automatic gear changer, press
and then use the
key to frame the
current value.
Enter the range number to be selected and press
Note: When the machine does not have spindle ranges this message is superfluous. For this
reason, when text 28 of program 999997 is not defined, the CNC does not display this