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ESERA-Automation, E-Service GmbH 2019
Programming Manual Controller-Gateway-Station V1.0 R1.1
Page 44 of 77
To save this setting permanently, press the „SAVE PERMANENT“ button below the „SETTINGS” tab.
Data output is either in millivolt or integer raw format, depending on the selected setting.
For data output with analog values you have to divide the values by 1000, then you get the analog value in volts
with decimal places.
Data output analog (OWD,DS2450ADC,1):
1_OWD1_1|1200 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | analog value (mV), e.g. 1200mV
1_OWD1_2|1200 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | analog value (mV), e.g. 1200mV
1_OWD1_3|1200 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | analog value (mV), e.g. 1200mV
1_OWD1_4|1200 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | analog value (mV), e.g. 1200mV
Data output integer raw value (OWD,DS2450ADC,0):
1_OWD1_1|32000 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | Integer raw value max. 16 Bit
1_OWD1_2|32000 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | Integer raw value max. 16 Bit
1_OWD1_3|32000 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | Integer raw value max. 16 Bit
1_OWD1_4|32000 => Controller No._Device No._DataRecord | Integer raw value max. 16 Bit
12.10. iButton data output (DATA)
There are three possibilities for the data output of iButton keys.
Either the data is output
0. each with the corresponding serial number of the iButton key,
1. output value "1" if the iButton was contacted or
2. output value "1" if the iButton was contacted and one-time output value "0" if the iButton has been removed.
The output formatting of the iButton data output can be switched starting with firmware V1.18_50.
As of firmware V1.18_51, the delivery status of the output value "2" is only when contacted (DATA=2).
Output options are described below.
Data output:
Output only if iButton was contacted
Output only if iButton was contacted
iButton contacted
iButton has been removed