4. Taking the measurement
a) manometers with screwable air release valve
Take the instrument into your right hand and check that the air release valve is
closed. (Turn clockwise between thumb and index finger.)
The cuff is inflated by pumping the bulb. The pointer of the instrument goes up
and shows the respective pressure in the cuff. Increase the pressure to approx.
20 -30 mmHg above the expected systolic value. If you don’t know this value,
inflate to 240 mm Hg or higher. Wait for 4-5 pulse beats, then open the air
release valve a little. The recommended descending rate is 2-3 mmHg per
Observe the pointer going down. As soon as pulsation is audible in the
stethoscope, read the upper (systolic) value on the manometer. On continued air
release a number of pulsations of decreasing intensity will follow. The last
audible pulsation gives the lower (diastolic) value.
b) manometer with automatic valve
The handling of this instrument is easier and more comfortable. By pumping the
bulb the hexagonal button in the centre of regulating screw comes up. Measuring
should be made as described in chapter 4a.
The air release speed is fixed once. For that turn the regulating screw with the
arrow mark.
a little to the left
air escapes more slowly
a little to the right
air escapes faster
The regulating screw does only one complete turn. Don’t overturn it beyond the
right or left stop.
After having taken the blood pressure, press the button in the centre of the
regulation screw for a quick and complete venting of the cuff. Press this button
too to stop the measuring immediately.
5. Choice of cuff-size
The following list is a recommendation for the use of cuffs with different sizes of
rubber bags.
Circumf. of arm
13 cm
13 -
20 cm
19 -
29 cm
29 -
40 cm
Adult large
38 -
50 cm
50 -
64 cm
We offer a wide range of cuffs of various sizes, colours, materials and fastening
Standard instruments and cuffs contain latex components
For people with allergic reactions to latex material we offer
latexfree alternatives.