Trouble Shooting Guide, Advanced
4/00021-3/FEA 209 544/25 C
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
24 Self-Test
24.1 What is self-test
Self-test is a part of the test program that tests the communication in the logic part of the
phone or a limited part of the function and also the revision on certain circuits.
The tests that self-test performs are:
Check for the revision of the CPU (D600), DSP (D500) and analogue/digital ASIC (N500).
Check if it is possible to write in and read from the EEPROM (D602).
Check the communication between the CPU, AASIC and the DSP.
Test the Power ASIC by reading the battery voltage by using one of the ASIC:s ADCs.
The CPU tests the RTC by setting the clock and then check it twice to make sure it runs.
The phone must have been powered up at least 10 s before performing SELFTEST.
Checks the function of the ALARMON signal.
The ONSWAn signal is measured when DCON is set high and low.
A correctly performed test should look like Fig. 24.1.
Fig. 24.1