Trouble Shooting Guide, Advanced
4/00021-3/FEA 209 544/25 C
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
23 SIM-Fault (“Insert Card”)
23.1 Definition of a SIM-problem
Insert a functional SIM-card and a charged battery into the phone.
If Wrong card or Insert correct card is displayed on the display when starting the phone it
means that the phone is SIM-locked.
If the phone shall be SIM-locked, make sure that a correct SIM-card is used.
If the fault remains, send the unit on according to the local company directives.
If the phone displays Phone lock on the display it means that the customer has locked the
phone with a personal code. It will be unlocked in the reset program. (Available in the Built
Swap process)
If PIN: or Enter PIN: is displayed, it means that the SIM-card has been locked with a
personal code.
It is only SIM-fault if Insert card or Card error is displayed.
23.2 How do you find the fault
Perform a visual check of the board.
Make sure the SIM holder is complete, clean and the pins are not bent.
Check for water damage underneath the SIM holder and around the system connector.
No further action should be taken for a liquid damaged unit, send it on according to the
local company directives.
Power up the board and start it in EFRA with the test program.
Go to Logic/Logic/SIM, Fig. 23.1.
Fig 23.1