Trouble Shooting Guide, Advanced
4/00021-3/FEA 209 544/25 C
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
On/Off, Enter Test Program
If the phone does not start in the radio calibration or trouble shooting part of EFRA,
despite an approved flash programming, go to section 2.2.
The phone does not start in the test program
Attach a dummy battery and press the On/Off button. Check the top led and the current
If the top led starts lightning and the phone consumes 15 – 30 mA, it usually is without fault.
Check your equipment.
Following things are necessary for the phone to start in the test program:
Correct battery voltage.
The current limitation must be set high enough on both outputs of the power supply, 2 A.
The following signal must be at the system connector of the phone: CTMS, CFMS,
An Hardlock connected and installed.
Follow the Start-up instructions in EFRA.
If the fault really is electrical, open the phone and make a visual check of the board.
Make sure there is not any liquid damage or any mechanical damaged at the system
No further action should be taken for a liquid damaged unit, send it on according to the
local company directives.
Power up the board and start it using the On/Off button.
Measure the voltages VDIG, 2.75
0.10 V
(C723) and VCORE.DSP, 1.8
0.10 V
If the voltages are correct, check the 13 MHz clock (B320) and MCLK (N300, pin 52) with
an oscilloscope, the value of the measurements should be 500 mV p-p.
If not, change B320, if the fault still remains the fault probably is due to N700.
Also check D602 (pin 5 and 6) they should be 2.75
0.10 V
If not, check the soldering and resold if necessary.
If the fault still remains the fault probably is due to N700.
Check VBOOST, 4.1
0.10 V
and VRAD, 3.8
0.20 V
If the measured values are incorrect use the circuit diagram.