Trouble Shooting Guide, Advanced
4/00021-3/FEA 209 544/25 C
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Set SIM VCC high using the button SIM VCC, Fig. 23.1.
Measure the voltage at pin 1 of J800 5.0
0.10 V
, Fig. 23.2.
If the voltage is missing, go to section 23.3.
Set SIMCONRST high using the button SIM Reset, Fig. 23.1.
Measure the voltage at pin 2 of J800 5.0
0.10 V
If the voltage is missing, go to section 23.4.
Set SIMCONDAT high using the button SIM Data, Fig. 23.1.
Measure the voltage at pin 7 of J800 5.0
0.10 V
If the voltage is missing, go to section 23.5.
SIMVCC must be activated when measuring SIMCONDAT.
Set SIMCONCLK high using the button SIM Clock, Fig. 23.1.
Measure the voltage at pin 3 of J800 5.0
0.10 V
If the voltage is missing, go to section 23.6.
If all voltages are missing, go to section 23.7.
Fig. 23.2
23.3 SIMVCC is missing
The fault is due to N700 or C803, C804, C805, C809 or V805.
23.4 SIMCONRST is missing
Measure SIMRST 2.7
0.10 V
from D600 at X802 at the test-point closest to C723.
If SIMRST is missing, it can depend on D600 or a foil damage.
If it is correct, the fault can depend on N700, R805, C806 or V805.