Trouble Shooting Guide, Advanced
4/00021-3/FEA 209 544/25 C
Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
TX frequency fault
Measure the feed voltage to N392 when the transmitter is on. Also check BSEL on N392: 5.
If the voltages are correct, make a calibration of the phone.
If the calibration fail the fault is probably due to components that can not be replaced.
The switched output power is correct, but can not connect a
Check the modulation signals (MODQN, MODQP, MODIN and MODIP) from D600 at both
sides of the resistors, R512, R513, R514 and R515
Compare the signals with a reference-board.
If the signal is different, replace the resistor and the capacitor (C520 or C522).
If all signals are correct, the fault is due to D600, N500 or N300.