Loading Monarch, DL, or Yougata 2/3 Envelopes
You can load Monarch, DL, and Yougata 2/3 Envelopes in either of the following orientations:
SEF: Load envelopes with the print surface facing up. Ensure that the flapped edge is pointing toward
the right of the printer and each flap is folded under the envelope.
LEF: Load envelopes with the print surface facing up. Ensure that the flapped edge is pointing toward
the front of the printer and the flaps are left unfolded.
When you load the envelopes in the LEF orientation, be sure to specify the landscape orientation on
the print driver.
To confirm the correct orientation of each print media such as envelopes, see the instructions on the
Envelope/Paper Setup Navigator
dialog box of the print driver.
Loading C5, Nagagata 3/4, or Kakugata 3 Envelopes
Load envelopes with the print surface facing up. Ensure that the flapped edge is pointing toward the
rear of the printer and each flap is folded under the envelope.
AL-MX200 Series User’s Guide
Printing Basics