Setup Modbus communications
Section 2: Setup meter communications
3410 Series Gas Ultrasonic Meters Operations Manual
January 2018
3-9000-777 Rev E
Edit telephone number before connecting with a modem
Use FTP passive mode (client - server pot communications)
FTP-only connection - used to download firmware to Daniel Ultrasonic meters
Tab from spreadsheet to next control instead of next cell
TCP/IP meter connection database timeout - amount of time Daniel MeterLink waits to
respond to a request for data from the meter database (default 13 seconds)
Override system default printer - used to change printer
Product type preference - meter type you will most often connect, gas or liquid.
Setup Modbus communications
Daniel 3410 Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters support RS-232 or RS-485 4-wire or 2-wire half duplex
serial interface to an external system (e.g., flow computer) using Modbus ACSII protocol with
the following parameters:
Refer to your flow computer user manual to set I/O settings required to allow serial
communication with the Daniel 3410 Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters.
The Daniel 3410 Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters supports ASCII and RTU Modbus communication.
For ASCII Modbus, both 7E1 and 7O1 are supported. For RTU Modbus, 8N1 is supported. The
communication ports provide automatic protocol detection - only the baud rate and Modbus ID
need to be specified. Also, refer to the Daniel website and select the Product page for the model
of your meter.
Table 2-1 Modbus communication parameters
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits
Modbus ACSII