Setup the meter directory
Section 2: Setup meter communications
3410 Series Gas Ultrasonic Meters Operations Manual
January 2018
3-9000-777 Rev E
Maintenance logs and reports
Trend maintenance logs
Meter archive logs
Compare Excel® meter configurations
Analog inputs
Meter Factors
Flow calibration
Setup the meter directory
Setup the connection properties for your meter. By default, the meter directory contains only
one record named
New Meter
that is defaulted to connect to a Daniel Gas Ultrasonic meter
configured as shipped from the factory.
Create a new meter record
Select Insert, Insert Duplicate, or Add from the File pull-down menu to create a new
Setup the record by entering a Meter Name, Short Desc, Meter Type, and select the
connection type(s) checkboxes Direct, Modem, Ethernet.
For each connection type selected, a button will be enabled at the bottom of the dialog
with the same name. Click these buttons to edit the connection properties for that
connection method. After choosing the connection properties, click
accept the
changes or Click
to discard any changes and close the dialog.
a. Direct connection - to connect to the meter directly through one of the serial ports
on the meter using one of the serial ports on your computer. Click
to set the
following parameters.
Protocol: TCP/IP is a read-only field and is the only protocol Daniel
MeterLink uses.
: Daniel Ultrasonic meters still support Modbus ASCII and Modbus
RTU when talking to other applications or devices.
Comms Address: Enter the communication address that is configured in
the meter hardware. The default address for meters from the factory is 32.
For Daniel Ultrasonic meters the valid range is from 1 to 247.
Port: Select the available driver from the list of those installed on your
If using Windows® XP, multiple drivers could be installed, called
Communications cable between two computers, one for each COM port
on the machine. For Windows Vista™ and Windows® 7, you cannot use
the Communications cable between two computers at this time and must
use the Daniel Direct Connection driver.
Baud Rate: Select the serial port baud rate from the drop-down list for
which the meter hardware is configured. The default Baud Rates is 19200.