Section 6: Commissioning
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0351-EN Rev. 3
Febraury 2019
Adjusting of Fail-Safe Speed
Emerson Bettis RTS FQ Fail-Safe Quarter-Turn actuators are equipped with an adjustable
passive eddy current brake, by which it is possible to change the failsafe speed.
When delivered the failsafe speed is set to minimum.
After mounting the actuator to valve and test run, fail-safe speed can be increased
if necessary.
Valve or piping may be damaged due to high actuating speed.
Setting Procedure:
All adjustment work may only be performed with the actuator disconnected from the
power supply. Due to this requirement, the actuator has to be in the fail-safe position!
Any powering up must be ruled out during maintenance!
When working in potentially explosive areas, heed European Standards EN 60079-14
“Installing Electrical Systems in Explosion Endangered Areas” and EN 60079-17
“Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Explosion Endangered Areas”
Figure 30
Removing the Cover