Service Instructions
MAN-02-08-77-0714-EN Rev. 2
September 2020
Section 4: Set-up/Start-up Procedure
Set-up/Start-up Procedure
Figure 19
View of Limit Switch Targets
The Switch Targets will be labeled to identify the switch they operate.
With the actuator in the Close Position, rotated fully clockwise, the
Target for CLOSE LS-2 will need to be adjusted.
Reconnect electrical power to the unit.
Push down on the Target for CLOSE LS-2 and move clockwise until it is
off of the switch in the clockwise direction. Both the OPEN and the
CLOSE lights on the LDM ((Local Display Module)) should be illuminated
at this point.
Now, push down and slide the Target for CLOSE LS-2 counterclockwise
until the OPEN light just goes out. It is important to always adjust a Target
in the opposing direction of the valve travel to get an accurate setting.
With the LOCAL/OFF/REMOTE Selector Switch set to LOCAL, toggle the
OPEN/CLOSE Selector Switch to OPEN and allow the Actuator to travel to
the OPEN position, rotated fully counterclockwise.
Push down and slide Target for OPEN LS-1 counterclockwise until it is off
the switch in the counterclockwise direction.
Now, push down and slide the Target for OPEN LS-1 clockwise until the
CLOSE light just goes out.
Toggle the OPEN/CLOSE Selector Switch to CLOSE and allow the actuator
to rotate clockwise to the fully closed position and check to see CLOSE
LS-2 is operated; the OPEN light should go out. Cycle the actuator open
and closed a few times checking the setting of CLOSE LS-1 and OPEN LS-2.