SBC session border controllers
Monitoring is enabled/disabled —
monitoring current status. The
button can be used to
control the monitor's status.
When monitoring is enabled, calls already established will not be displayed, only new calls will be
There are two monitoring tables in the menu. The left table contains general information on all active ses-
In the field
"Rows in the table to show",
the number of entries to be displayed on the page is specified. The
table on the right contains the current page number and the total number of pages. To navigate between pages,
the arrows under the table are used. A single arrow is for moving to the next/previous page, a double one is to
display the first/the last page.
Information on active sessions (table on the left)
Reload every 5 sec
— when checked, the call list in the monitor window is automatically updated;
Update —
the button to manually update the call list in the monitor window when the button is clicked;
— the headers of the main fields (e.g. From and To), which are transmitted during the call;
User A
— field values for subscriber A;
State —
the current status of the session:
— the session is active and is currently being processed;
— session processing is complete (such sessions are deleted from monitoring af-
ter a while);
User B
— field values for subscriber B;
The right table contains details of the call. To display it, left-click on the corresponding entry in the left table.
Information on active sessions (table on the right)
Reload extended session info
— clicking the
button updates the current status of the session
in the monitor;
— the headers of the main fields (e.g. From and To), which are transmitted during the call;
User A
— field values for subscriber A;
State —
the current status of the session:
— the session is active and is currently being processed;
— session processing is complete (such sessions are deleted from monitoring af-
ter a while);
User B
— field values for subscriber B;
List of fields:
IP remote
— the IP address of the subscriber from or to which the call was routed;
IP local
— the local IP address where the call came from or was sent to (IP local);
— Contact fields values;
CallID —
the dialogue identifier from the Call-ID field;
Agent —
the name of the subscriber's SIP client from the User-Agent field;
— the transport protocol used for transmission.
Call Flow
block in the table displays the call signalling to both legs, indicating the total start time of the
call and the time each message was sent relative to the start time.
block in the table displays information about media streams between subscribers.
block in the table shows which SDP messages have been exchanged between the calling parties. SDP
local — SDP sent from SBC to the subscriber; SDP remote — SDP received from the subscriber.