SBC session border controllers
User-Agent —
a SIP client of a subscriber, a value passed in the header User-Agent header of the request
Contacts —
private addresses of a registered subscriber, values passed in Contact headers of the request
Expires —
the time remaining until the end of the registration period. For a subscriber who has been un-
blocked, the forgiveness time is displayed, after which the blocking counters for that caller will be reset;
— a subscriber blocking status. If the subscriber is blocked, requests from the subscriber will be
answered with a 403 response without processing it;
— a number of access attempts a subscriber has made before being blocked;
Registrar address
— an address and a port of a device that approved a subscriber's registration. This is
usually a Softswitch address and port;
SIP User
— the name of the SIP User via which the subscriber has registered;
SIP Destination
— the name of the SIP Destination to which the subscriber registration request has gone
and from where it has been approved.
Below the table, there are the following buttons:
Delete —
allows removing a subscriber or a group of subscribers from a database of registered subscri-
bers. To delete subscribers, check the box next to a corresponding entry and press the
Unblock —
allows taking a subscriber out of the blocked state;
Update —
allows updating the list of registered subscribers.
Active sessions
The active call sessions established via SBC are displayed here. Signal messages for each call and a media flow
can be viewed. Completed calls are stored in the monitor for one minute.
Monitoring –> Active sessions