SBC session border controllers
Transport protocol —
selection of the transport layer protocol used to receive and transmit SIP messages:
— reception via UDP and TCP. Transmission via TCP. If connection is not established via
TCP, the transmission will be performed via UDP;
UDP-prefer —
reception via UDP and TCP. Sending packets over 1300 bytes via TCP, under
1300 bytes via UDP;
— use only UDP protocol;
TCP-only —
use only ТСP protocol;
SIP header format
— defines the format for SIP headers transmission:
— use a normal (long) header format;
— use a short header format;
Adaptation —
the setting is intended to adapt the interaction of gateways from different manufacturers with
the ESCC-10 softswitch via SBC.
— this adaptation allows receiving a Flash signal from a gateway using the re-INVITE
method and transmitting it towards a softswitch using the SIP INFO method;
Iskratel SI3000 —
when using this adaptation, SBC does not substitute the contact field in requests sent
towards a softswitch. When calling a subscriber in Request-URI the URI-parameters are not analysed.
Only a subscriber's number and address are analysed;
HUAWEI-SoftX3000 —
when using this adaptation, SBC does not substitute the contact field in requests
sent towards a softswitch. In the 200OK response to the REGISTER request, the URI containing the
default port 5060 is assumed to be equal to the URI not containing it;
ZTE Softswitch
— when using this adaptation, SBC does not substitute the
field in requests
sent towards a softswitch. When calling a subscriber in Request-URI, URI-parameters are not analysed.
Only a subscriber's number and address are analysed; Origin version sequence violations in the SDP
are also ignored;
Nortel —
when using this adaptation, SBC ignores the origin sequence inconsistencies in SDP.
MTA M-200
— when using this adaptation, SBC does not check the port specified in the Request URI
when incoming calls are received.
Preserve Contact header value —
when using this option, SBC does not substitute the 'contact' field in requests
sent to the second leg;
Preserve domain from the FROM and TO headers
— When using this option, SBC will drop the domain that
came in the FROM, TO fields into the outgoing leg. If an IP address is received, SBC will replace it with its own
IP address;
RTP-loss timeout
— voice frequency path status control function that monitors the presence of RTP traffic from
the communicating device. The range of available values is from 10 to 300 seconds. When flag is unchecked,
RTP control is disabled, otherwise enabled. If there are no RTP packets coming from the opposite device for
the duration of the timeout and the last packet was not a silence suppression packet, the call will be rejected;
RTP-loss timeout after Silence-Suppression indication (multiplier) —
RTP packet timeout for the silence sup-
pression option utilization. Permitted value range is from 1 to 30. Coefficient is a multiplier and determines
how many times the value of this timeout is greater than the "
RTP-loss timeout"
. If there are no RTP packets
coming from the opposite device for the duration of the timeout and the last packet was a silence suppression
packet, the call will be rejected;
RTP-loss timeout on hold (sendonly, inactive) (multiplier) —
RTP packets timeout for SBC communicating with
the SIP server in modes where the voice frequency path is transmitting only or is inactive. Permitted value
range is from 1 to 30. Coefficient is a multiplier and determines how many times the value of this timeout is
greater than the "
RTP-loss timeout"
. If there are no RTP packets coming from the opposite device for the du-
ration of the timeout and the voice frequency path is transmitting only or inactive, the call will be rejected;