Conditional parameter locks are a great way to add variety to a pattern. To set up a
grid of mutually exclusive or conclusive note trigs across any of the synth tracks, and
throwing some probability locks in there as well (perhaps, in turn, also sporting an array
of logically conditioned trigs) is a neat way to make the most minimal of compositions
come alive with randomness.
Note that random or arbitrary variety, while fun and interesting, is not the only way of
using conditional trigs. They may also be used, for example, to have two different me-
lodic or percussive sequences on the same track, one of which is activated only when
fill mode is active.
11.10.4 TRIG MUTE
The TRIG MUTE screen allows you to add mute masks on a sequencer pattern. Each track can have its
own trig mute trigs. Open the menu by pressing
Enter trig mute trigs by pressing the
keys. While on the TRIG MUTE screen, the trigs entered will
mute any trigs placed on the active track, given the trigs are located on the same sequencer steps. If
you wish to edit the step property on all tracks simultaneously, not just the active track, press and hold
key and then enter the trigs. The steps containing note trigs will be shown with dimly lit
<TRIG> LEDs above their
Trig mutes can be quickly added to note trigs or trigless locks. Keep the note trig or tri-
gless lock pressed and press [BANK A/E]. A trig mute trig will automatically be placed
on the same sequencer step as the note trig/trigless lock.
Press a note trig/trigless lock to quickly see if a trig mute trig is placed on the same
sequencer step as the trig. If that is the case, the <BANK A/E> LED will light up.
Trig mutes are good for experimenting with the feel of tracks when playing live. The
last eight steps of a bass line track could, for example, be muted to build suspense.
11.10.5 ACCENT
Adding accent trigs is useful for quickly changing the velocity for chosen steps of a track. Accent level is
a destination for modulation, which means it can be affected by, for example, LFOs. Open the ACCENT
menu by pressing
Select the track that will be affected by pressing the corresponding
key. Select the accent val-
ue by turning the
knob. The higher the value, the more accentuation will be added to accent trigs.
While the ACCENT menu is open, the sequencer will display accent trigs. Place or remove accent trigs
by pressing the
keys. If you wish to edit the step property on all tracks simultaneously, not just the
active track, press and hold
key and then enter the trigs. If an accent trig is placed on the
same sequencer step as a note trig, the note trig will be accentuated.
A note trig can be quickly accented. Keep the note trig pressed and press [BANK B/F].
An accent trig will automatically be placed on the same sequencer step as the note trig.
Press a note trig/trigless lock to quickly see if an accent trig is placed on the same
sequencer step as the trig. If that is the case, the <BANK B/F> LED will light up.
11.10.6 SWING
Adjust the swing setting of the pattern, to employ a propulsive, rhythmic groove. Access this menu by