Correct Installation of an Air-Water Heat Pump
AEROTOP T heat pumps are quiet
and efficient. However, incorrectly
integrating constructional components
may result in undesired noise in-
creases if the conditions are unfa-
A careful assessment of the noise
emissions is required when planning
the installation of heat pump systems.
Noise reduction measures considered
early on in the development process
result in the fewest additional costs.
Subsequent measures usually are
extremely expensive and cumbersome
to implement. [Heat Pump Manual,
Federal Energy Agency, Switzerland]
The following points apply to the
interior and exterior installation of
air-water heat pumps.
To be considered when installing an air-water heat pump
Each reflecting surface doubles
the noise (acoustic power).
One wall increases this value by
+3dB, one corner by +6dB.
one corner by +6dB.
Avoid solid-borne noise transmission by avoiding reflecting surfaces. Never route air
intake or outlet into closed or partially closed spaces such as a corner, foyer, entrance
area, covered patio, etc.
Rooms with reverberant or
sound-reflecting floor coverings
and walls increase the noise
Avoid rooms with reverberant or sound-reflecting floor coverings and walls. When
installing the heat pump in a room with reverberant or sound-reflecting floor coverings
and walls, reflections may increase the sound level. Cover one or two walls with
noise-absorbing material if this is the case.
Adherence with the min.
clearances reduces noise
reflection and air short-circuits
and improves airflow near the fan.
Make sure the min. distances and clearances to the air intake and outlet as well as the
min. size of the light wells are applied. Avoid walls or flow barriers around the
circumference of the heat pump to ensure air can reach the fan evenly.
Less pressure losses = low peripheral speed = reduction of the fan noise.
Construction measures can
reduce noise, plants cannot.
Use constructional measures to interrupt the flow of noise from the heat pump
(direct noise propagation). Use solid walls, fences, palisades, etc. to reduce noise
levels. Plants, however, do not reduce noise.
Consider different noise
sensitivity levels.
Avoid placing the heat pump where it may cause problems due to its noise emission
(bedrooms, living rooms, neighbors, etc.). Position heat pumps in areas where noise is
less likely to be an annoyance. If installed indoors, do not install underneath or next to
living or sleeping quarters.
Sound absorbing materials
reduce noise.
Additional sound absorbing materials or measures must be planned for and used in
cases where extreme noise reductions are desired or when installing model Forever
GREEN 20C or later. Use only original accessories and spare parts. in extreme cases,
it may be advisable to consult a noise expert.
Separation from the structure
minimizes structure-borne
Always use flexible connections throughout: Flexible hoses and tubes for heat
distribution, flexible electrical connections, sound isolation of the air ducts by using
elastic sleeves or Compriband products.
Correct installation of pedestal
or base reduces structure-borne
The base or ground must be level or made level and able to support the load of the
equipment. Use the adjustable feet of the heat pump to level the equipment after
Correct installation of the ducts
reduces air and structure-borne
noise transference.
All wall openings and ducts must be equipped with the corresponding noise-absorbing
materials. Comply with the specified cross-sections and dimensions.
Avoid air short-circuits and airflow
Air intakes and outlets cannot be installed next to each other without using a
separating wall. Avoid any airflow obstacles that favor an air short-circuit.
Always comply with all rules,
regulations, and applicable laws.
Germany: Technical Instructions on Noise
Switzerland: Noise Protection Ordinance
Be careful with dropping the
Dropping the washing from lived-in rooms to the place of installation of the heat pump
can lead to noise transmission when unfavourably positioned.