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In this menu the handling of device errors can be defined.
Blinkcode and description
The entries in this field cannot be edited and show the blinkcode and the corresponding error in clear
text. The first 20 entries are device errors and can be displayed with the blinkcode by the Watchdog
LED „Self-monitoring“. For example, error „1-4 Relay card failure“ will be displayed with one long and
four short flashing pulses (
section 3.10
The additional 32 error entries (160…191) signalise a faulty connection to an IEC104 client each and
can only be forwarded to the IEC interface or be displayed on a signal channel.
Error blink
If this checkbox is activated the corresponding error will be displayed by flashing on the Watchdog-
The Alive-Relay is triggered by this error. (
section 3.10
Collective error
This error is assigned to the collective device error which can be transmitted through the IEC interface.
If this checkbox is activated, the corresponding error can be forwarded through the IEC interface.
Output active
If this check box is activated, the error is assigned to a alarm channel of a fault annunciator. For this
purpose, a device and a channel must be selected in the following two columns. In cascaded systems,
any connected device (Master or Slave) can be selected.
Fig. 5.12: Parameterization of channel 1 of a fault annunciator for signaling a device error
In order to use a signalling channel of a fault annunciator for error alarms, "Device
error" must also be selected in the column
“Signal source” in the menu "Parameter /
Device" in the register
“Reporting channels”.