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Pulse length
If a relay is triggered from the IEC interface, the pulse width can be defined here in the range
from 10…10000 ms. For IEC continuous commands, this time is ignored. For Modbus
commands, the wipe duration is also irrelevant. Submenu LED colour settings
Fig. 5.20: Submenu LED colour settings
On this page the LED colours for the operation modes “operation indication” and “fault annunciation”
of each channel can be defined. The USM is supplied with DUO LED or RGB LED. The basic
parameterization of the colour setting is the same. The variants differ only in the selectable colours:
- LED off (grey box) or the colours red and green
- LED off (grey box) or the colours red, green, yellow, blue, orange and white
The selection "LED off" is only available for the state "Off".
Operation indication
For both states OFF and ON the LED can be triggered as follows:
LED OFF or colour: RED, GREEN for Duo-LED
Otherwise for the RGB LED version, all colours as described above are available.
Fault annunciation
For the fault alarm, one of the above-mentioned colours is set for the states "Off", "On" and "Flashing".
Please note that for the states OFF and ON of one channel, different colours need to be