Page 39
Model TC80
The TC80 was evaluated and calibrated at the factory before shipment. Upon initial start up the system should
require minimal to no adjustments.
Verify the system has adequate flow, greater than 10 gals /hr., the pH electrode and the temperature sensor are
reading correctly. These parameters effect the measurement and must meet the standards listed in the
Calibration Section above. If these conditions are met and problems still exist use the Troubleshooting Table to
find a remedy.
Troubleshooting Guide
Possible Cause
Displayed value is Higher
than DPD test value.
Insufficient Polarization time
Damaged Membrane Cap
pH indication higher than
actual value
Temperature indication lower
than actual value
Electrical short or wet
connection inside the sensor
or cable assembly
Polarize TCS for full 90
minutes before calibration.
Replace Membrane Cap
Calibrate pH sensor
The temperature sensor lags
the process temperature wait
for temperature equilibrium.
Remove measuring cap and
dry the cathode surface, if the
indication does not go to zero
there is leakage. Replace the
Displayed value is Lower than
DPD test value
Displayed value is Lower than
DPD test value (cont’d)
Coated or dirty membrane
Low tension on the
Flow to low through the flow
Air bubbles trapped on
Air bubble inside the sensor
between cathode and
Clean or replace the
Verify the Measuring
Chamber is fully tightened
onto the body or replace
Clean CHFC, fittings and
tubing, verify the sample feed
rate is 10+ gal/hr.
Loosen TCS fitting and lift
sensor slightly to purge air
trapped in the flow cell.
Refill sensor, see Maintenance