27-11-2014 47 ebode IPV4NVR
Step1: Choose
” (Parameter Configuration) > Local settings > Network”.The Network
page is displayed.
Step2: Configure the network parameter.
Network Type
Select the network type from the drop-down list box.
If select the DHCP, the NVR system will automatically
obtain an IP address and other network settings from
that server.
If select the Static IP,
you can configure an IP address
and other network settings.
The default value is 88.
The default value is 443.
IP Address
You can configure the IP address of the NVR system.
The IP of IP cameras, PC and NVR should be in the
same network segment and in the same LAN.
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask of the NVR system.
The gateway of the NVR system.
Primary DNS Server
The primary DNS server of t he NVR system.
Alternative DNS Server
The secondary DNS server of the NVR system.
You can use the UPnP function to enable the fast connection
of the device to the WAN via a router without port
Note: If you want to enable the UPnP function o f the NVR,
you must enable the UPnP function of the router to which
your NVR is connected.
How to configure the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS Server,
Secondary DNS Server, please refer to “ Appendix II Common operations > 2. Configure
the IP Parameters”.
Step3: Click Save button to take effect.