27-11-2014 32 ebode IPV4NVR
Click E-Mail Test to see if Mail has been successfully configured. If the test success, you
can see the success information, at the same time the receivers will receive a test mail.
Check the FTP checkbox, you can configure the FTP information of the NVR.
The system can be configured to send an picture to the FTP server if an alarm or motion
event is detected etc.
Click Save button to take effect.
Click FTP Test to see if FTP has been successfully configured. If the test success, you can
see the success information.
FTP Address
If your FTP server is located on the LAN, you can set FTP address
as ftp://IP address/dir.(eg.
If your FTP server is located on the WAN, you can set FTP address
as ftp://domain name/dir.(eg.ftp:test.no-ip.org/dir).
FTP Port
Default port is 21.You can also change this port manually through
FTP server.
FTP Mode
Here supports two modes: PORT and PASV.
FTP Username
The user account of FTP server.
FTP Password
The user password of FTP server.