Product Manual Oria Thermostat
EAE KNX Oria Thermostat
Oria Thermostat PM R1.0
EAE Technology
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pressed while the blind is moving, stops the blind, short pressed while the blind is not moving adjust
the lamella position up.
Toggle: “Long Press” moves the blind upwards or downwards toggling the last “Long Press” action. For
example, if last state was up, when push button long pressed, it will send “Down” telegram. Every time
push button long pressed it will toggle its last state. If push button short pressed while the blind is
moving upward or downward “Short Press” will stop the blind, if the blind is not moving “Short Press”
will adjust the lamella. Lamella adjustment will operate respective to the last state, for example if the
last “Long Press” action was up, then lamella will be adjusted down when push button short pressed
and if the last “Long Press” action was down, then lamella will be adjusted up when push button short
Blind/Roller/Awning Function
When “Controller Type” configured as “Blind/Roller/Awning Function” lamella operations of blind control will
be disabled and “short press” will only stop the movement of the blind. “Button Function” parameter enables
the use of push button 3 different ways;
“Long Press” moves the blind upwards; “Short Press” stops the blind.
Down: “Long Press” moves the blind downwards; “Short Press” stops the blind.
Toggle: “Long Press” action moves the blind upwards or downwards toggling the last “Long Press”
action. For example, if last state was up, when push button long pressed it will send “Down” telegram.
Every time push button long pressed it will toggle its last state. “Short Press” stops the blind whether
it’s moving upwards or downwards
Push Button Function
/ Down / Toggle
Control Type
Shutter/Venetian Blind
Selects control type of blinds.
Shutter/Venetian Blind function
includes “Lamella Control” and
Blind/Roller/Awning function does
not include “Lamella Control”.
Function of LED
LED Permanently Off
LED always off
LED Permanently On
LED always on
Status Indication
Visualize blind’s state using status
LEDs of up and down buttons. *
Operation Indication
Status LED of the pressed rocker
button will be on for the time
period selected at “Light Duration
of LED” parameter at “General”
Long Press Duration
/ 400ms/ 500ms/ 600ms/
800ms / 1s / 1.2s / 1.5s/ 2s / 3s /
4s / 5s / 6s / 7s / 8s / 9s / 10s
Time interval to switch from short
press to long press
Table 21