Product Manual Rosa Switch
EAE KNX Rosa Switch
Rosa Switch PB
EAE Technology
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In operation value (0,1) selected through “In operation bit” parameter will be sent via the group address
which is linked to this communication object
Table 3
4.2 Rockers and Touch Buttons
Total number of rockers can be selected through “Rocker Count” parameter in “General” tab.
Buttons on the thermostat can be used as rockers or touch buttons.
Select the desired operation from the “Rocker N” (N: Rocker number) tab (Figure 2).
If rockers are configured as touch buttons, 2 touch button tabs will be visible under “Rocker N” tab
(Figure 3).
Both rockers and touch buttons have 5 functions;
no function
switch and dim
value operation
Figure 2
Figure 3