The radioreceiver can be powered by the 12V power outputs of the electronic board of a Ducati device (you can use the photocells po and
negstive- outputs to power the radio receiver.
The board has 4 channels: CH1; CH2; CH3; CH4. Each channel t can be used to control a different function of the same gte opener or different devices.
Connect the output terminals of the chanel on the radio receiver to the imput terminals of the electronic board of the device you wish to control.
Example: if you want to use Channel 1 of the radio receiver to command the full cycle opening of your gate opener: connect terminals of CH1 to the
START contact of the main board of your gate opener.
If you wish to use Channel 2 to command the pedestrian opening of your gate opener, connect terminals CH2 to the “ PESDESTRIAN START” terminals
of your gate opener. If you wish to control your garage door opener by Channel 3 connect terminald CH3 to the start terminals of your garage door
opener. You can also connect the channels to a non DUCATI device. This way you will be able to operate any device with the same Ducati rolling code
remote control. This will not prevent the use of the originals remote controls of other devices. Ducati radio receiver will work together to theoriginal radio
receiver of the device. You will have to memorize the push buttons of your remote controls in the corresponding channel of your external receiver.
Used to determine if the channel is used with monostable contact (start impulse) or bistable (switch that maintains closed or open the circuit)ogni switch
Each switch is used for the correspondent channel example: switch n° 1 is used for channel CH1;
To sycronize/ store the remote controls buttons in the radio receiver:
On the radio receiver push the button corresponding to the channel you wish to use the remotes with
CH1 = channel 1 use P1 to store the radio remote control push button
CH2 = channel 2 use P2 to store the radio remote control push button
CH3 = channel 3 use P3 to store the radio remote control push button
CH4 = channel 4 use P4 to store the radio remote control push button
The red LED light corresponding to the choosen channel switches on. Push the button of your remote control that you wish to use.The red LED light blinks
to confirm that the operation was completed successfully.
To delate the stored remote controls:
On the radio receiver, push and hold pushed the button corresponding to the selected channel. After about 30 sec the LED blinks to conirm all remote
control codes on that channel have been delated.
The outdoor use 4-channel DUCATI rolling
coded adio receiver allows you to control up to 4
automatic devices of any type by means of any
ducati rolling coded remote controls.
N° of channels: 4
Each channel storage capacity: max. 25 codes
Radio frequency 433,92 MHz
Contact rating relay: 1A /30V
Working temperature: -10°C / + 60°C
Irradiation of antenna: in compliance with EU
Consumption: 8mA in stand-by
4 c h a n n e l s r a d i o r o l l i n g c o d e d e x t e r n a l r e c e i v e r R I X Y 6 0 4 0 R O L
NO contact
NO contact
NO contact
NO contact
Main Power
12V/24V ac/dc