2 Installation
Example of Keybus Wiring
Module (A) is correctly
wired within 1,000'/305m of wire
from the panel.
Module (B) is correctly wired
within 1,000'/305m of wire from
the panel. Module (C) is NOT
wired correctly as it is further
than 1,000'/305m from the panel, in wire distance.
2.5 Current Ratings – Modules & Accessories
In order for the PC1404 system to operate properly, the power
output capabilities of the main control and the expansion devices
must not be exceeded. Use the data presented below to ensure
that no part of the system is overloaded, affecting its function.
PC1404 (12 V
AUX+: 550mA: Subtract the listed rating for each keypad,
expansion module and accessory connected to AUX+ or Keybus.
BELL: 700mA Supervised (1k Ohm) Bell Output (Current Lim-
ited at 2A).
AUX and PGM outputs share the 550mA load.
PC1404 Device Ratings (at 12 V
PC1404RKZ keypad: 120mA
PK55XX keypad: 125mA
PC1555RKZ keypad: 85mA
PC5601 LED status module: 30mA
LCD5511 keypad: 85mA
LED5511Z keypad: 100mA
PC5200 power supply: 20 mA
PC5204 power supply with 4 PGMs: 20 mA
PC5208 low current PGM module: 20 mA
TL300 communicator: 360mA
GS3060 communicator: 120mA
3G3070 communicator: 120mA
GS3105/3125-K & BA communicator: 250mA
Other Devices
Please read the manufacturer’s literature carefully to determine
the maximum current requirements for each device—during
activation or alarm—and include the proper values for loading
calculations. Connected devices must not exceed system capa-
bilities during any possible operational mode.
2.6 Keypad Assignment
Once the wiring is complete and the keypad is fixed on the wall,
a 2-digit number must be entered to tell the system the partition
and slot assignment of the keypad. At each keypad installed on
the system
Enter Installer Programming by pressing [*][8][Installer
Press [000] for keypad programming.
Press [0] for Partition and Slot Assignment.
Enter a 2-digit number to specify the partition and slot
assignment as follows:
a) As the PC1404 does not have partitions, enter [1] for
the first digit. If the first digit is incorrectly pro-
grammed with a value greater than 1, the keypad will
not respond when connected to a single partition sys-
tem (e.g. PC1404). Press and hold the 1 key on the key-
pad, then re-enter section [000][0] to correct the
b) Assign each keypad to its own slot (1 to 8). LED key-
pads, the LCD5511 and the PC1404RKZ keypads are
always assigned to slot 1 by default. PK5500 keypads
are always assigned to slot 8. Keypad assignment is
required, as it tells the panel which slots are occupied.
The panel can then generate a keypad supervision trou-
ble when the keypad is detected as missing.
One LCD keypad must be assigned to slot 8 in order to
upload keypad programming using DLS software.
c) Press the [#] key twice to exit programming.
d) After assigning all keypads, perform a supervisory reset
by entering [*][8][Installer Code][902]. The panel will
reset supervision and re-enroll modules on the system.
How to Program Function Keys
By default, the 5 function keys on each keypad are programmed
as Stay Arm (03), Away Arm (04), Chime (06), Sensor Reset
(14) and Quick Exit (16). You can change the function of each
key on every keypad:
Go to the keypad where you want to change the function
key programming and enter Installer Programming.
Press [000] for Keypad Programming.
Enter [1] to [5] to select a function key to program.
Enter the 2-digit number [00] to [32] to select the feature
you want the function key to have. For a complete list, see
Function Key Options on page 19.
Continue from step 3 until all function keys are programmed.
To exit Installer Programming, press [#] twice.
2.7 Supervision
By default, all modules are supervised upon installation. Super-
vision is enabled at all times so that the panel can indicate a trou-
ble if a module is removed from the system.
To check which modules are currently connected and super-
vised, enter programming Section [903] from Installer Program-
ming. An LCD keypad will allow you to scroll through the
display of connected modules. A connected module which does
not show as being present will appear as a trouble condition and
the Trouble light on the keypad will turn ON. This condition
may be due to one or more of the following reasons:
• the module is not connected to the Keybus
• there is a Keybus wiring problem
• the module is more than 1,000'/305m from the panel
• the module does not have enough power
For more information regarding module supervision troubles,
please refer to [*][2]Trouble Display.
The panel must be instructed to no longer supervise a module
being removed from the system. To remove the module, discon-
nect it from the Keybus and reset the supervision field by enter-
ing [902] in Installer Programming. The panel will reset
supervision of all existing modules attached to the keybus.
2.9 Zone Wiring
For a complete description of the operation of all zone types,
please refer to [001] Zone Definitions.
There are several different ways in which zones may be wired,
depending on which programming options have been selected.
The panel can be programmed to supervise normally closed, End
of Line, Double End of Line, or zone doubling loops. Please
refer to the following diagrams to study each type of individu-
ally supervised zone wiring.
Any zone programmed for Fire, 24-hr Supervisory, or CO
must be wired with a single End of Line (SEOL) resistor regard-
less of the type of zone wiring supervision selected for the panel
([013] First System Options: [1]-[2]).
If you change the zone supervision options from DEOL to
SEOL or from NC to DEOL (See [013] First System Options,
Options [1] or [2]), you should power down the system com-
pletely, and then power it back up. If you do not, the zones may
not work correctly.