3 Keypad Commands
Inherent Attributes (All codes except Installer and Maintenance)
Arm/Disarm - Any access code is valid for arming and disarming.
Command Outputs [*][7][1] - If the output requires an access code entry, any valid access code can be used.
Programmable Attributes ([
][5][Master/Supervisor Code][99][Code])
[1] Supervisor’s Code – This code is used for validation when entering the [*][5] User Code Programming section. However, this code
can only program codes which have equal or lesser attributes. These attributes are changeable.
[2] Duress Code – Duress codes are standard user codes that will transmit the Duress Reporting Code whenever the code is entered to
perform any function on the system.
Duress codes are not valid when entering [*][5], [*][6] or [*][8] sections.
A code cannot be programmed as a duplicate or as a code + or -1.
[3] Zone Bypassing Enabled – This attribute controls whether the user can bypass zones. This also requires that option Code Required
for Bypassing option is turned ON.
[4] Remote Access – This attribute controls access to the system via a telephone during remote access.
[5] For Future Use
[6] For Future Use
[7] Bell Squawk upon Arming/Disarming – This attribute is used to determine whether an access code should generate an arming/dis-
arming bell squawk at the end of exit delay. The attribute is off at default for all access codes, and this feature is meant to be used when
Bell Squawk on Arming/Disarming is disabled in Section [014]. However, if the away function key is pressed on the system keypad,
followed by an access code with this attribute enabled, the bell will still squawk.
[8] One-Time-Use Code – When the one-time-use code is entered on the system, the user of the code will be able to arm the panel with
the code as many times as they want. They will also be able to disarm the system using the code once per day. The disarming operation
will be reset at midnight, or if the code or its attributes are viewed in the [*][5] Access Code Programming. A code programmed as one-
time use can be used to access other star menus that require an access code.
Notes on Access Codes and Programming
[*][5][MASTER CODE] [01 to 39 40] to program access codes.
[*][5][MASTER CODE][99] enters the Attribute Mode [01 to 39] to edit access code attributes.
The Master Code's attributes cannot be changed.
When a new code is programmed in either [*][5] or through Installer Programming, it will be checked against all other codes in
the system. If a duplicate code is found, an error tone is given, and the code is returned to what it was before it was changed. This
applies to both 4- and 6-digit codes.
In [*][5] if a duress code is being programmed, it will be checked to make sure that it is not 1 digit more than any other code in
the system. This will only apply to the least significant digit and does not roll over to the next digit. If a user code is 1234, then the
duress codes 1234 and 1235 are not allowed. If the user code is 1239, then duress cannot be 1239 or 1230, but could be 1240. This
applies to both 4- and 6-digit codes.
See also [006] Installer Code and [008] Maintenance Code.
Erasing an Access Code
To erase an access code, the user will have to go into the base menu and then select the user number and enter [*] as the first digit. If [*]
is entered, the system will delete the code immediately and the user will be returned to select another code.