Viewing of troubles is now permitted while armed. The various troubles are described below:
][3] Alarm Memory
When Disarmed, press [*] then [3] to enter the alarm memory mode. The “Memory” light will flash and any alarm caused during the
last armed period will be displayed on the zone lights.
Press [#] to return to the “Ready” mode. If [#] is not pressed, the keypad will time out in 30 seconds.
There is no memory of previous armed states. The Event Buffer can be used to achieve this function.
][4] Door Chime On/Off Command
When Armed/Disarmed, to turn the feature on or off, enter [*][4].The Door Chime feature is used to sound a tone from the keypad
whenever a zone programmed as a Chime type is activated. When the Door Chime feature is turned ON, the keypad will beep several
times whenever a Chime zone is activated. When the feature is being turned ON, the keypad will beep 3 times and the LCD will display
“Door Chime Feature ON”. When the feature is being turned OFF, the keypad will sound a single long tone and the LCD keypad will
display “Door Chime Feature OFF”.
[*][5] Program User Codes
The following table identifies available user codes:
When Disarmed, enter [*][5] to access the attribute programming mode.
1) The default attributes of a new code will be the attributes of the code used to enter [*][5] whether it is a new code or an existing code
being programmed.
2) All user codes will now have a check so that they cannot be + or -1 of any other code.
Service Required:
Press [1] to determine the specific trouble. Lights 1–8 will light up to indicate the trouble.
Light [1] Low Battery: The standby battery's voltage is measured under load every 3 minutes and during a System Test.
The limits of alarms and restores are determined by the Swinger Shutdown (Maintenance Troubles & Restores) counter.
Set at 3 by default, there will be 3 Low Battery Troubles and 3 Low Battery Restores before latching. The latching is reset
at midnight or upon arming.
Light [2] Bell Circuit Trouble: If the bell circuit is overdrawn or the bell circuit is open, a keypad trouble is generated and a
Bell Circuit Trouble can be reported.
Light [3] General System Trouble: Any peripheral module trouble will be indicated and communicated with a General
Trouble, but logged to the event buffer with a detailed description.
Light [4] General System Tamper: Any peripheral module tamper will be indicated and communicated with a General
Tamper but logged to the event buffer with a detailed description.
Light [5] General System Supervisory: If the system loses Supervisory signals from a peripheral module, this will be indi-
cated and communicated with a General Supervisory but logged to the event buffer with a detailed description.
Light [6] Not used.
Light [7] PC5204 Low Battery: The PC5204 Module has detected a Low Battery Condition.
Light [8] PC5204 AC Fail: The PC5204 Module has detected an AC Power Failure. This Trouble will initiate the keypad
trouble beeps after the AC fail transmission delay if Trouble #2 is NOT present.
AC Failure:
There is no audible annunciation on AC power failure unless trouble beeps on AC failure are enabled in
Section [018] Option [8]. The system “Trouble” light will come ON but the audible indication will not sound until there is a
low battery condition. Transmission delay can be programmed for 000 to 255 minutes/hours. If the AC Fails, the battery
will be continuously checked until the panel shuts down.
Telephone Line Monitoring Trouble (TLM):
The telephone line voltage is measured every 3 seconds. If the volt-
age drops below 1 to 3 volts for the number of consecutive checks programmed in Section [377], a Telephone Line Trou-
ble is generated. This additional check denomination may fluctuate from board to board, as it is dependant on hardware
component tolerances. The TLM Restore shall occur when the value in Section [377] is reached.
Failure to Communicate (FTC):
If the digital communicator is unsuccessful in communicating with any of the pro-
grammed telephone numbers, a failure to communicate trouble will be generated. If a later attempt to communicate is
successful, the panel can also transmit the FTC restore reporting code and all previous unsuccessful events. If the digital
communicator is unsuccessful in communicating with any of the programmed telephone numbers, a failure to communi-
cate trouble will be generated. If a later attempt to communicate is successful, the panel can also transmit the FTC
restore reporting code and all previous unsuccessful events.
Zone Fault (including Fire Zone):
If any zone on the system is in the Trouble state, this trouble will be generated.
For hardwired zones (excluding Fire) using double end of line supervision, this is the shorted state. If DEOL is not used,
Zone Troubles can still be generated on Fire Zones (open state). If [5] is pressed in the Trouble mode, the keypad will
now display all of the zones in trouble. Fire Zone Faults are identified in the Event Buffer. They log a “Fault Zone X” fol-
lowed by a generic “Fire Trouble”. This has been done so that intermittent wiring problems may be tracked down via the
Event Buffer.
This trouble will be generated and displayed in the armed state if a Fire trouble is present. It will also restart the Trouble
beeps. If any zone enters this Trouble state (short), the keypad buzzers will sound trouble beeps to annunciate the condi-
Zone Tamper:
This trouble is used with DEOL Zone Supervision only. If any zone is in the Tamper state, this trouble will
be generated. Zones excluded from this are Fire and zones not supporting the DEOL configuration (LINKS answer, Key-
switch). Press [6] in the Trouble mode to display all of the tampered zones. If any zone enters this Tamper state (open), the
keypad buzzers will sound trouble beeps to annunciate the condition.
Not Used
Loss of System Time:
When the panel is powered up, the internal clock needs to be set to the correct time. This trou-
ble is cleared when an attempt is made to reset the clock.
[01] – [39]
General User Codes
Master Code
Determined by attributes programmed below