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A p p e n d i x E : W L S 9 0 4 P L W i r e l e s s M o t i o n
D e t e c t o r I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s
The WLS904PL-433 is designed to combine the conve-
nience of a wireless detector with effective and reliable
detection of human motion as well as good protection
against the nuisance alarms associated with pets weigh-
ing up to 60 lbs (27.3 kg)
Installing The Detector
WLS904PL provides effective immunity to single or mul-
tiple pets whose total combined weight does not
exceed 60 lbs. (27.3kg) when installed and configured
in the following manner.
Select a detector location that will provide the coverage
required and will allow the detector to be mounted a
minimum of 6¾ ft (1.95m) high and not higher than
10ft (3m) (7¾ ft / 2.3m recommended).
Consider the following to avoid false alarms:
• Do not aim the detector at a stairwell to which a
pet has access to.
• Do not place furniture or objects higher than 3ft
(0.9m) which a pet can climb onto (e.g. a cat on a
couch), closer than 10ft (3m) from the detector.
• Mount the detector flat on a wall or in a corner.
Do not angle it downwards or use mounting
brackets with this detector when it is used in con-
junction with pets.
• Do not aim the detector at reflective surfaces such
as mirrors or windows as this may distort the cov-
erage pattern or reflect sunlight directly onto the
• Avoid locations that are subject to direct high air
flow such as near an air duct outlet.
• Do not locate the detector near sources of mois-
ture such as steam or oil.
• Do not limit the coverage by large obstructions in
the detection area such as plants or cabinets.
No detector should be mounted without
first performing a module placement test to
determine that it is in range of the wireless
receiver. See the Placement Test instructions in
the Instruction Sheet for your receiver, or in the
installation manual for your system.
When a location has been
determined, remove the plas-
tic from the mounting holes
and locate the backplate on
the wall and mark screw loca-
tions. It is suggested that wall
anchors be used for all screw
locations. Secure the back-
plate to the wall, and then
secure the enrolled Detector to its backplate.
The coils and antenna on the Motion
Detector circuit board are very sensitive compo-
nents precisely adjusted for maximum perfor-
mance. Do not touch the coils or antenna! Even
minor distortions can affect the performance of
the motion detector.
Enrolling a WLS904PL-433
On the back of the PIR housing, there will be two serial
numbers: a five-digit number and a six-digit number.
Please refer to your receiver installation manual for
information on which serial number should be enrolled.
Changing the Sensitivity
The WLS904PL features “Fast” and
“Slow” settings on jumper J1
which is used to configure the
detector for the weight of the
pet(s) and the environment. For an
environment with a single pet
whose weight does not exceed
30lbs (13.6kg) the jumper should be set to “Fast” set-
ting. In an environment with single or multiple pets
whose combined weight is greater than 30lbs (13.6kg)
but not greater than 60 lbs. (27.3kg) the jumper must
be set to the “Slow” setting. In a hostile environment
or where the installation conditions can not be con-
trolled J1 must be set to the “Slow” setting.
The diagram above shows the jumper location. To
change the setting from Fast to Slow, move the jumper
over one pin, as shown in the diagram.
High Traffic Shutdown Mode
To prolong battery life, the motion detector uses a fea-
ture called High Traffic Shutdown. When motion is
detected, the device will transmit to the receiver and will
WLS904PL-433 with
Three-Pin Jumper