S e c t i o n 2 . 3 : C ha ng i ng O t he r N T 9 0 1 0 Fu n c t i o n s
3 7
Disable/Enable Zone Supervision
When you enroll a zone through the NT9010 Flash Programming, the Wizard will automat-
ically turn on supervision for the zone. To disable supervision for any zone, enter the follow-
ing through Advanced Programming:
1. Enter section [804].
2. Enter sub-section [82], [83], [84] or [85]. Disable or enable supervision for each wire-
less zone by turning each relevant option on or off.
3. To exit press [#].
If you replace an RF Jam Detect zone or hardwired zone with a different
type of device (e.g. a motion detector), supervision of the device will not be
turned on automatically. You must turn it on as described above.
2.3.6 RF Jamming
For RF jamming detection to work, you must select an unused zone to be used as the RF
Jam Detect zone. When the NT9010 system detects an attempt to jam the RF signal, the RF
Jam Detect zone will be violated and the system will generate a tamper signal. When the
jamming signal is gone, the RF Jamming Detection zone closes and the system sends a
tamper restore signal.
To enable RF jamming detection, from Advanced Programming:
1. Enter programming section [807], then sub-section [093].
2. Select an unused zone to be the RF Jam Detect zone. Enter the 2-digit number ([01]
to [32]) of the RF Jam Detect zone on the keypad.
3. Program a Zone Definition for the zone number you assigned to the RF Jam Detect
zone. A 24-hour zone type is recommended if this is used.
For UL Listed installations, program this zone type as ‘Instant’ (Zone Def-
inition [03]).
4. RF jamming detection is now enabled. To exit Advanced Programming, press [#].
If you need to change the RF Jamming Detection Zone, you should first
delete the zone by entering (00) in section [807], sub-section [093].
Programming RF Jam Zone will automatically program the correspond-
ing label as RF Jam. Please be sure that the corresponding serial number is
(000000). RF Jam will not work properly otherwise
*Must be programmed for UL Listed installations.
RF Jamming Detection Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [807]-[093]
2.3.7 Zone Tamper/
Fault Options
By enabling
Tampers/Faults Do Not Show as Open,
faults and tampers for wireless
zones will not be annunciated, and will be hidden from the end user. If the option is dis-
abled, faults and tampers will be annunciated.
Once a zone is tampered or faulted, it must be completely restored
before the trouble condition will clear.
Tampers/Faults Do Not Show As Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section [013], Option [4]