C h a p t e r 2 : A d v a n c e d P r o g r a m m i n g
2 6
AC Failure:
AC power is no longer being supplied to the NT9010 control unit. To conserve
power, when there is an AC Failure all lights will turn off, except for the flashing System
Telephone Line Monitoring Trouble (TLM):
There is a problem with the telephone line
2.3.15 Telephone Line Monitoring (TLM)
on page 47.)
Failure to Communicate (FTC):
The communicator failed to communicate with any of the
programmed telephone numbers (see
2.3.8 Communicator Dialing
on page 38).
Zone Fault (including Fire Zone):
A zone on the system is experiencing trouble. This
means that a zone could not generate an alarm on the system if required to do so (e.g. a
fire zone is open, or a supervisory fault on a wireless zone). When a zone fault occurs, the
unit will start to beep. Press [5] while in Trouble mode to hear an announcement of the
affected zones.
A Fire zone trouble will be generated and announced in the armed
Zone Tamper:
The tamper switch is open on a wireless device. When a tamper condition
occurs, the NT9010 will start to beep (if the system is armed, an alarm will occur). Press [6]
while in the Trouble mode to hear an announcement of the affected zones. If a zone is
tampered or faulted, it must be fully restored to clear the trouble. If a smoke detector is
tampered, the Ready light will remain on and the system can be armed.
Once a zone is tampered or faulted, it must be completely restored
before the trouble condition will clear.
Device Low Battery:
A wireless device has a low battery condition. Press [7] one, two, or
three times to hear which devices are experiencing battery failure. The following will occur:
Keypad beeps:
NT9010 Announces:
Press [7]
Zones with low batteries
Press [7] twice
Wireless keys with low batteries
Loss of System Time:
When the system is powered up, the internal clock needs to be set
to the correct time. This trouble is cleared when an attempt is made to reset the clock.
[*] [3] Alarm Memory
If there is an alarm in memory when the system is disarmed, the System light will be on.
Press [
][3] to enter the alarm memory mode. The NT9010 system will announce the
alarms that are in memory by zone number or label. For example:
“There is 1 alarm in memory. Fire Zone. To exit, Press ‘#'.”
Press [#] to return to the “Ready” mode. Alarm Memory is cleared when the system is
[*] [4] Door Chime On/Off
Users can turn the
Door Chime
feature on or off by pressing [
][4]. If the door chime fea-
ture is enabled the keypad will beep 6 times rapidly when a zone is opened and closed. The
system will only do this for zones with the
Door Chime Attribute
enabled and if the door
chime feature is enabled
2.3.2 Zone Attributes
on page 35
You can have the NT9010 system announce the names of zones when they are opened or
closed by turning on the
Verbal Chime
feature. Please see
2.2.3 Voice Prompt Interface
on page 21.