5 5
A p p e n d i x D : W L S 9 2 5 L - 4 3 3 M i n i D o o r /
W i n d o w C o n t a c t I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s
Remove Cover
At the notched location on the cover, insert the flat
blade of a small screwdriver between the base and the
cover and twist the screwdriver to pop the cover off.
Install Battery
Use care when installing the battery and observe the
correct polarity (see diagram below). Use only the
Eveready Lithium Energizer No. EL123AP, Tekcell
CR123A or Panasonic CR123A lithium battery.
replacement must
only be done by a
qualified techni-
Battery may explode if mistreated.
Do not recharge, disassemble or dis-
pose of in fire.
Locate Transmitter
Locate where the transmitter is to
be mounted. Perform the Module
Placement Test to ensure that the
selected location is in range of the
wireless receiver (see receiver
Installation Manual for instruction).
Determine where the magnet will
be placed. In order to activate the
reed switch, the magnet must line up with the end of
the transmitter.
Remove Circuit Board
Before mounting the unit, remove the circuit board. At
the notched location on the base which is on the same
side as the reed switch, insert the blade of a small
screwdriver between the base wall and the bottom of
the circuit board and pry the circuit board up.
Do not touch the coils on the circuit board
as this may damage the unit.
Mount Transmitter and Magnet
Mount the backplate of the transmitter using the screws
provided and replace the circuit board. The head of the
screw must be below the circuit board so that the sen-
sor is not shorted out. Use flat-headed screws only.
Mount the magnet no more than ¼" (6.4mm) from the
transmitter. Use the spacers provided . Once the unit and
magnet are mounted, open and close the window/door
to ensure that none of the parts interfere with this move-
ment. Only one magnet can be used per transmitter.
Using External Contacts
The external contact ter-
minals can be used to
connect external con-
tacts or other switches/
devices to the universal
transmitter. Install the
additional device as per
the manufacturer’s
instruction. Connect the device to the contact terminals
of the WLS925L-433.
The input is normally closed and is not supervised.
The wires connecting the external device to the input
terminals must not exceed 18" (45cm) in length, pro-
vided that the resistance of the wire does not exceed
. The contact and transmitter must also be in the
same room.
Only one contact can be used. If an external contact is
used, do not install the magnet.
Tamper Switch
There is one tamper switch on the WLS925L-433 board.
Removing the cover will cause a zone tamper.
Enrolling a WLS925L-433
On the back of the door contact housing, there will be
two serial numbers, a five digit and six digit. Please refer
to your receiver installation manual for information on
which serial number should be enrolled.
Please refer to the WLS925L-433 Installation Instructions for more details.