Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
ED3K_Operating_Manual_Rev02LD_03Lug2020_EN. docx
Rev.02 – 03.07.2020
System status list
cycle program “Purge” is running, the entire system is flushed.
the entire system is free of paint residues. This status is displayed when cycle program
“Purge” is completed without error.
cycle program “Load” is running
the system is loaded with a color. This status is displayed when the time program “Load”
is completed without errors.
this status appears after the calibration cycle program is activated and remains until the
system is purged.
this status comes automatically after the system is loaded. If there are the necessary
conditions, the atomization air valve is opened and the guns are ready to spray. The
atomization air is opened, a gun is not in the EcoGun Cleaner M, the EcoGun Cleaner
M cover is closed and there are no alarms.
if the system is not in in any of the above listed status, it means not loaded and not
purged, and not in calibration, it is in an undefined status.
Paint check
this status appears when has been activated the cyclic program paint check, spray is
active without atomization air flow
Recipe selection
To change recipe in use fill out the field “Requested recipe” with a recipe number, 1 in the example.
Tap on the requested recipe field, a display will appear on the screen with a keyboard with which
you can type the number of the recipe you want to use.
After entering the required recipe number, you have to press the
to start recipe change.
If the system is not already purged, a purge cycle is carried out, and right after a loading cycle, with
the colors, mixing ratio and quantities set in the new recipe. The sequence ends with the system in
status Ready.