Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
ED3K_Operating_Manual_Rev02LD_03Lug2020_EN. docx
Rev.02 – 03.07.2020
In the right center of the screen there are buttons that allows to scroll the recipes list: you can
browse them one at a time, ten at a time or go to the first and to last directly.
In the right bottom of the screen there are three other buttons: copy, paste and save.
Copy button
By using this button you can copy temporarily a row of the recipes
Paste button
By using this button you can paste a previously copied line to
Save button
By using this button you can save all the changes made.
Figure 43 Consumption page
In this page the consumption values for all the products used in the system are displayed:
Color and Color solvent
Component B and component B solvent
Component C and component C solvent
You can browse recipes to control the consumptions of color and hardener for each recipe.
To reset the consumption data login with user level 1 or higher
Every display has a “reset” button to reset the counters.
There is also a “reset all” button to set all the counters to zero at once.