Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
78 / 156
EcoBell2 SL EC - Rotating Atomizer with External Charging
Document No.: MRA00001EN
Version:: 07
As of:: 01/2020
Purging sequence
The purging sequence cleans atomizer and bell disk.
- Ducts in the atomizer
- Inside and outside of the bell disk
Purging sequence must be done in the following situations.
- before stoppages
- before a color change
- end of day
- before service
Depending on the painting conditions a rinsing process between the
painting operations may also be necessary.
Each painting sequence requires matching purge programs. The
rinsing programs can be started automatically or manually via the user
The detergent must have the same characteristics, in its chemical
composition, as the coating material used. Use the detergent
recommended by the paint manufacturer for purging.
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