Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
20 / 156
EcoBell2 SL EC - Rotating Atomizer with External Charging
Document No.: MRA00001EN
Version:: 07
As of:: 01/2020
Grounding/ Potential equalization
All conductive parts of the plant such as floors, walls, ceilings, fencing,
transport equipment, work pieces, coating tank, robots, or structural
parts in the spray area, with the exception of operationally high
voltage live parts must be connected to the grounding system. Parts
of the booth must be grounded in accordance with EN 16985.
If sufficient grounding of the work piece cannot be ensured, the
electric charges on the work piece may be bled off by other means,
e.g. ionizers. Such devices may not exceed the allowable discharge
energy of the spray systems with which they are used. Furthermore,
these devices must be subjected to the same tests regarding the
allowable discharge energy like the atomizer systems used with them.
The discharging device must be locked to the spraying system so that
the high voltage is switched off and the coating cannot take place
when the discharging device has a malfunction.
Grounded, conductive workpieces
Paint create an electrically isolating layer on a grounded workpiece.
When painting on top of dried paint layers (especially on clear coat)
highly charged surfaces can occur. This effect is even stronger with
detail painting. On those surfaces propagating brush discharges might
occur. Such discharges can be an ignition source in the painting
You have the following option to prevent propagating brush
- Discharge the surfaces
It is possible to discharge the electric charge on the workpiece with
ionizers. Specific notes listed in the standard must be observed.
- Keep the atomizer at a good distance from the workpiece.
Because even at a reduced high voltage propagated brush
discharges at the work piece cannot be ruled out, this procedure
may only be followed when using non-flammable coating materials.
- Work pieces that have been coated before may not be coated
using high voltage again.
High voltage may only be used on coated workpieces with a paint
layer breakdown voltage lower than 4kV. On most work pieces with
a clear coat the breakdown voltage is higher.
The operator must ensure that this manual is always available
wherever the atomizer is present.
The local standards and regulations for occupational safety and
accident prevention should be observed at all times.
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