5. Power up the layout and track.
6. Install a 9 volt battery in your DT400 and plug it in to LocoNet. the
DT400 will automatically detect the UR90 and allow infrared opera-
tion when the throttle is unplugged from LocoNet.
7. While still plugged in, use the DT400 to select loco address "00” and
run it at 99% speed. (Since there are no locos on the track, nothing
is actually running. We will use this as a diagnostic to help deter-
mine the best location/s for your UR90/s for optimal infrared recep-
8. Change the direction of address "00" by pressing the Reverse Key or
double clicking the throttle knob associated with address 00.
Observe whether the signal was received by the system by the color
change on the command station’s TRACK STATUS LED or other
method chosen from Section 22.2.
9. Unplug the DT400. Move around the layout area stopping to test at
several locations. At each location, change the direction of address
"00" and observe that the command was received by the system.
Slowly rotate in place at each test location to check reception from
various directions. By moving around the whole layout area, you
will be able to determine whether any infrared "blind spots" exist.
10. When you locate blind spots, adjust the location of the UR90s until
you have good reception everywhere in the room.
11. Once you have determined the installation locations that give the best
reception, you can permanently mount the UR90s and hook up the
wiring under the layout.
22.4 UR91 Radio Receiver Installation
The following procedure will help you determine the best location on your lay-
out for installation of your UR91.
1. Decide how you will observe whether signals are being received. See
Section 22.2 above.
2. Remove all locomotives from the layout and turn off the power to the
3. Gently straighten the UR91’s two small flexible antennas so that they
are pointing up from the PC Board. Spread the 2 antennas about 20
degrees apart. Be sure not to bend the green antenna wires too many
times as this could cause damage. Do not allow the UR91 antennas
to connect to bare conductors or layout wiring. It is good practice to
keep other wires below the antenna level and about 1-2 feet away
from them.
4. Plug the Digitrax PS12 +12 volt DC power supply into the 2.0 mm
power jack on the side of the UR91. See Section 22.1 above for
more information about providing power to your UR91.