, the Track Power Indicator on the DT400 and the Track
Status Indicator on your command station will go off.
2. Move the DB150’s “MODE” switch to the “SLEEP” position . The
DT400 throttles plugged in to the system will display “Idle” indicat-
ing that it is in “sleep” mode. On some systems, your DT400 throttle
will alternate between displaying the fast clock and the “Idle” mes-
sage, this is normal.
3. Turn off the power supply to the system.
The power to the DB150 can be left on all the time if desired. In “sleep” mode,
the DB150 consumes very little energy. In this state the DB150 provides keep
alive power to all throttles that are connected to LocoNet.
22.0 IR & Radio Receivers UR90 & UR91
To use your DT400 as an infrared throttle you must install one or more infrared
receivers on LocoNet. To use your DT400R as a radio throttle, you must install
at least one radio receiver on your LocoNet. It is a good idea to also install
enough LocoNet jacks around the layout for normal walkaround operation with
tethered throttles. The LocoNet jacks are also used by tetherless throttles for
selecting loco addresses to run, setting up and maintaining consists, and service
mode programming. Also, if a tetherless throttle loses control of the loco
address it is running or if the throttle battery goes dead, the operator will need
to plug in to a LocoNet jack to regain control.
22.1 Powering UR90 & UR91 Receivers
For best operation, UR90, UR91 & all UP panels should be powered with a
12V DC external power supply such as the Digitrax PS12. You can run up to 5
UP or UR90 panels with a single 12-15V DC power supply. The UR91 abso-
lutely must be powered with a 12V DC supply. UR91 & UP Panels can use
local track power by connecting the screw terminals on the back of the units to
rail A & B of the local track section. If you use local track power, this will
impact the power available to run more locos since part of that energy will be
used to power the UP/UR panels. We recommend that you power your UPs &
URs as shown in
Figure 8