tems support this feature so you may have to program non-Digitrax decoders to
operate on analog layouts. Automatic analog mode conversion can be disabled
by programming CV29.
a feature of Digitrax boosters that allows a train to enter and
exit reversing sections automatically without the need for the operator to throw
a switch to match track polarities on either side of the reversing section.
Ballast Lamp:
For use as a buffer between DC and DCC track sections, a bal-
last lamp is connected across one of the double gaps separating the two track
sections. For most model railroad applications a 12 volt automobile brake lamp
wired in series for this purpose.
Basic Consisting Method:
Program all the locomotives in a consist to the
same address and run them on one throttle. In this case all the locos must be
running in the same direction unless you have set up normal direction of travel
as reverse or have rewired the motor on locos that you want to run “back-
wards” in the consist.
Boosters receive the DCC signal from the Command Station, amplify
it & put it on the track as the power that runs the locos. You can have several
boosters on a system, each driving its own track section. You can have both
regular or auto reversing boosters depending on your needs. Also called Power
Booster, Power Station
scanning sequentially through locomotive or accessory decoder
addresses and statuses in you throttle. Browsing is done with the DT400 by
turning the throttle knobs or using the Y+ or N- Keys.
closed indicates that the turnout is in the straight through position, set for
the mainline. For op switch set ups, consult your manual for the meaning of c
& t.
See Throttle.
Command Station:
Most systems have one Command Station that generates
the DCC packets that send commands to the decoders. The command station
also produces Rail Sync so that all the devices on your LocoNet work together.
Common (Loco Status)
: a DCC locomotive that is not currently “in-use” by a
throttle connected to LocoNet but is still being refreshed by the command sta-
tion. A loco with a status of “common” is selectable by any throttle on